Wednesday, 21 November 2012

testing...testing... ^^,

Salam sayang semue...hehe...

haishh...long time no see... wassuup myblog!!hehe
okey...first timer sekali i nak mintak maaf la ye coz i da lame x update entry yg best2 untuk u all...
hehe... bajet retis la pulak kan..
actually time jealous to us..
google translate die mase mencemburui kite... haishh..broken2... ^^,
aku busy musy la...xsempat2 nk update blog ni...
sian blog aku...
xkiut miut dah jadi nye..hehe :)

heyy..ape jemah bebel panjang2 ni...
straight to the point la k...
today...harini la kan.. 21 november 2012,
i've got 5 days Mc...hahah... main2 pulak..
i've got two test in one day...
how come hah??
haishh....sakit hati la kite ni....
baik2 setting one test on 21 n another on 22, tupp2  in one day...
what the??heyy...

saye ni baru belajar...
terkial kial la jawabnye...
erm...nasib badan la kan..
one week cuti bawak balik buku..
tapi still, book is belongs to bag..hahah...
not belong to me...nila makan die...

orang lain semue dok tidur sedap2,aku pulak study sensorang... sian... :(
mane x nye...
tadi orang dok study, aku sedap2 membute..hehe... sakit kepale la....
tapi xpela aku redha...
tapi yg xbest nye bile ade annoyer wujud disekeliling kite ye..
selfish...aku paling benci orang acam ni exist in my life u know... grrr....
pless stop the music...haha...
pless la u all stop that annoy action or whatever that will make me dislike u ever..
bukan nk act aku ni baik sgt...
tapi still,aku masih berbaik2 lagi dengan orang yang baik dengan aku.. fair n lovely la kan...
jangan mulekan dulu...
and yang paling penting "jangan berumah ditepi pantai kalau takot dilambung ombak"....
u got it??!!
i really mean it to all jerks around me...
sorry to say but i have to say...
spoil betul orang nk study tau...haishh..
macam mane la aku nk belajar dengan tenang kan kalau hati ni xtenteram..
xpela, as long as ALLAH in my heart, in shaa ALLAH....
my heart will go on..cehh..haha...
THERMO and PROCESS, pless be kind to me... i will catch u, catch u and catch u...hehe....
wish me luck guys... love ya...
omel :)


Y said...

Good luck baby :-*♥

Unknown said...

thanks my dear... <3