i just wanna lay in my bed....."
can i??
no...!! u can't omel...
a lots of work waiting for u...
i don't know why today i don't want to do anything....
early morning i wake up to perform my prayer
and hen continue my dream....hehe...
then finally wake up at 12.30 afternoon...
that's my routine for every friday morning....
arrrghhhh...that's not good omel...
i don't know why...
keep doing the same... :'(
But today i really don't want to do anything..
just "facebooking", "blogging", "twitting", "singing","eating"
and many ing ing ing laaa...hehehe ^^,
my ex.... :D
supposely aku can't be like that...
there's no one remind me la...
please kak shushi or someone else remind me
i have to forget about the past
and look for my future....
huuu... :'(
I wish....
i really wish.....
help me Allah...
i really needs You right now...
so that i can forget abou the past...
Ya Allah....
please forgive me....
there's no one else can help me...but only You... :'(
i'll be strong for the sake of Allah...
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